Please post your ideas, problems or suggestions with Cut&Slice me here. If you see something you would like, make sure you vote for it so we can create a better plugin for all.

** Please, one suggestion/bug/idea at time so people can vote for them. **

Where can I find Cut&Slice me if offical website not working :(.

robert3d 5 years ago 0

Where can I find Cut&Slice me if offical website not working :(.


Hay bro Need Cut and slice 2015 Please help

waqarjmc 7 years ago 0

When to get a newer version its 2017



Sellch00k 8 years ago 0

the plugin doesn't export @3x

Not a bug

search simple psd ready to use to test ( low beginner level)

michel89 11 years ago updated by Daniel Marcos Perujo 11 years ago 1

Could the website have a link to a simple psd that already contain asset with ( with # , @) and a step by step tutorial to export images.
I read no  information about directory file system setting !!
How do you add a shape boudingbox around all the layers asset ?
Does assets mean layers ?

all  step installations are OK, GUI appear  but nothing occur after clik on button  !!

English is not my native language
I use  Windows 8 64 bit( french)
I use  PS CS6 english version



adi hezral 11 years ago updated by Daniel Marcos Perujo 11 years ago 0


I really like the plugin concept and would really like to use it in my workflow. 

I have a couple of suggestions if you don't mind..

1. Add a skip tag so it doesn't processed the layer

2. Add a tag to scale up or scale down for Retina export

Other than that its fantastic!

I'm actually using a script i made myself to do my exporting, its similar to your concept but its just a barebone script, no fancy interface, and not really optimized :)

Daniel Marcos Perujo 11 years ago

1. Skip tag is not necessary: Don't use @ tag in your group name

2. Under review


please post an tutorial how to use this plugin? no instruction at all?

Felix Lim 11 years ago updated by Daniel Marcos Perujo 11 years ago 1

hello i have no idea how to use this.


That's forken osom!

Шу Бузник 11 years ago 0



when i use it, the image size got 3 more pixel instead of what i set the image size should be.

Amdreamer Yip 9 years ago 0
i tried so many times and i cant cut the actual size i wanted