Teie kommentaarid
YAY! well done and enjoy!
Inside the unzipped folder are 5 folders (CSXS assets META-INF com src) and two files (mimetype CutAndSliceMe.swf)
Try this:
- select the CutAndSliceMe.zxp file in Windows explorer
- right click, select "rename" and change the last x to i so you get: CutAndSliceMe.zip
- right click the zip file and select "Extract All"
- Click the [extract] button
- copy the created folder CutAndSliceMe to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\
If that doesn't work, I recommend to ask someone with more computer experience to do it for you.
Hi, I am not sure what the problem is, but will try to help.
Are you an admin of your computer?
If you are an admin, can you try to unzip to the current folder and then copy the new files to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\CutAndSliceMe"?
So, if your current folder is for example C:\Users\[username]\Downloads\
1) rename C:\Users\[username]\Downloads\CutAndSliceMe.zxp to
2) then unzip this file to a new folder
3) then copy the folder to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\
Does that work?
I managed to get around the invalid signature by manually installing CutAndSliceMe and by enabling PlayerDebugMode.
After I manually installed it, the extension was available in Photoshop, but the CutAndSliceMe panel was empty. This seems to relate to a problem in the Mini Bridge of photoshop. Enabling PlayerDebugMode is a workaround for this.
These were my steps:
In Windows:
1) In registry go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.#
changing the # according to your CS version (e.g. CS6 is 3)
add a new value named
PlayerDebugMode with String value of 1
2) rename your CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
3) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\CutAndSliceMe
4) restart PhotoShop
In MacOS:
1) run terminal (press Command+Space, type terminal, press enter)
2) copy the line below changing the # according to your CS version
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.# PlayerDebugMode 1
For example, if you are using CS6, it should look like this:
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.3 PlayerDebugMode 1
3) press Return on your keyboard
4) rename CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
5) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS6ServiceManager/extensions/CutAndSliceMe
6) restart PhotoShop
Hope it works for you too?
I managed to get around the invalid signature by manually installing CutAndSliceMe and by enabling PlayerDebugMode.
After I manually installed it, the extension was available in Photoshop, but the CutAndSliceMe panel was empty. This seems to relate to a problem in the Mini Bridge of photoshop. Enabling PlayerDebugMode is a workaround for this.
These were my steps:
In Windows:
1) In registry go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.#
changing the # according to your CS version (e.g. CS6 is 3) add a new value named
PlayerDebugMode with String value of 1
2) rename your CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
3) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\CutAndSliceMe
4) restart PhotoShop
In MacOS:
1) run terminal (press Command+Space, type terminal, press enter)
2) copy the line below changing the # according to your CS version
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.# PlayerDebugMode 1
For example, if you are using CS6, it should look like this:
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.3 PlayerDebugMode 1
3) press Return on your keyboard
4) rename CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
5) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS6ServiceManager/extensions/CutAndSliceMe
6) restart PhotoShop
Hope it works for you too?
I managed to get around the invalid signature by manually installing CutAndSliceMe and by enabling PlayerDebugMode.
After I manually installed it, the extension was available in Photoshop, but the CutAndSliceMe panel was empty. This seems to relate to a problem in the Mini Bridge of photoshop. Enabling PlayerDebugMode is a workaround for this.
These were my steps:
In Windows:
1) In registry go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.#
changing the # according to your CS version (e.g. CS6 is 3)
add a new value named
PlayerDebugMode with String value of 1
2) rename your CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
3) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS6ServiceManager\extensions\CutAndSliceMe
4) restart PhotoShop
In MacOS:
1) run terminal (press Command+Space, type terminal, press enter)
2) copy the line below changing the # according to your CS version
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.# PlayerDebugMode 1
For example, if you are using CS6, it should look like this:
defaults write com.adobe.CSXS.3 PlayerDebugMode 1
3) press Return on your keyboard
4) rename CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zxp to CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip
5) unzip CutAndSliceMe_1.1.3.zip to
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CS6ServiceManager/extensions/CutAndSliceMe
6) restart PhotoShop
Hope it works for you too?
Customer support service by UserEcho
You are welcome. Glad it helped someone